
I am a daughter.
I am a wife.
I am a mother.
I am a writer.

I am a caregiver.

I’ve been married to my husband for 26 years. He was a soldier. The Army broke him. It was only a few years ago that things got really bad…for all of us. I struggled to keep it all together. One day, I crumbled. I could not stop the tears, the dread, the panic, the helplessness and hopelessness…the darkness.

I’ve decided to work through my thoughts, emotions, issues through this blog. What I want to accomplish is admitting my feelings, negative or otherwise, and learn to accept them. I’m hoping to find healing through my words. I also hope that it will provide some comfort to others dealing with their own caregiver stress and let them know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  Because, I felt so alone. And that made me fall deeper into the dark abyss that I saw no hope of coming out of.

Please let me know if you enjoy reading the things I post, if it’s helped, or maybe even offer options I have yet to think about to help me cope. Thank you for your time, service, and support.

You can contact me at caringforaveteran AT gmail DOT com


2 thoughts on “About

  1. FeistyIrishWench

    I’ve just assumed the honor of caring for my aging father. My experiences as a Marine Wife, mom of some kids who are wired for envelope-pushing, and the other adventures the last 20 years have been preparing me for this leg of the journey. I have a support network, which is more than many many many others have. I am counting my blessings, and keeping my humor.


  2. Paula Kaye

    I am so sorry for what you have been going through! My husband has Parkinson’s disease and I am dealing with many of the same feelings as well as the physical aspect because the only thing he can do for himself is talk….and eat some! It is hard. I will start reading your blog!
    Paula at /Smidgen,Snippets,&Bits



I'm very interested in what you have to say. Do you have similar circumstances, feelings, or just want to encourage me to keep going? Please leave a note to let me know.